Over deze buscamper



Eigenaar van het voertuig


Olá, o meu nome é Diogo e, tal como tu, sou um amante da estrada e das viagens! A minha paixão são as Volkswagen Transporter e, se as conheces, tenho a certeza de que também não te são indiferentes. Aqui tens a oportunidade de viajar, dormir, cozinhar e sentir a verdadeira experiência numa delas. Neste caso uma VW LT 31 de 1988, uma das mais raras e procuradas deste segmento. Foram fabricadas poucas unidades, quando comparadas com as mais conhecidas Transporter, e apenas foram vendidas em alguns países europeus. Com o raríssimo teto alto da marca Reimo, está equipada de fábrica pela mesma marca com todas as comodidades que precisas para umas férias inesquecíveis! Não podes contar com travões do Séc.XXI nem com uma velocidade muito acima dos 90 kmh mas, de outro modo (…) não teria piada!!! Pelo menos podes contar com direção assistida e uma experiência de condução confortável, fácil e divertida. Alem disso, podes, claro, contar comigo para o que precisares antes e durante a tua viagem. Agora só te falta fazer uma pausa no trabalho, dar à chave e rumar à aventura!

Boas Férias!!!



Hi, my name is Diogo and I love roads and travels just like you do! My passion is the Volkswagen Transporter and, if you know them, I'm sure they're not indifferent to you either. Here you have the opportunity to travel, sleep, cook and feel the real experience of one of them. This is a VW LT 31 from 1988, one of the rarest and most wanted ones. A few units were manufactured, in comparison with the typical Transporter, and were only sold in a few European countries. With the very rare Reimo high top, it is factory equipped by the same brand with all the amenities you will need for an unforgettable road trip! You can't count on 21st century brakes or a speed much higher than 90 km/h, but otherwise (…) you wouldn't have the same fun !!! At least you can count on power steering and a comfortable, easy and fun driving experience. Besides, you can, of course, count on me for whatever you need before and during your trip. Now all you have to do is take a break from work, turn the key and head to the adventure!

Have nice trip!!!!

Buscamper van Diogo

Voorkant 3/4 Volkswagen LT 31 - Yescapa

3 plaatsen met veiligheidsgordelPlaatsen met veiligheidsgordel

4 slaapplaatsenComfortabel slaapgedeelte voor 4 personen

Rijbewijs BJe hebt enkel je rijbewijs nodig om dit voertuig van minder dan 3500 kg te besturen

Document gecontroleerdHet kentekenbewijs is door ons nagekeken en goedgekeurd

Buitenlandse reizen toegestaanDe eigenaar geeft zijn voertuig toestemming om in verschillende landen te rijden

Huisdieren welkom aan boordJouw huisdieren kunnen deel uitmaken van de reis!

Directe BoekingEenvoudiger en sneller!

Inbegrepen in de huur bij Yescapa

  • Uitgebreide voertuig- en inzittendenverzekering

    Inbegrepen verzekering of versterkte formule, aan jou de keuze !

  • Garantie bij vertrek

    Ons team biedt je alternatieven in geval van last-minute problemen

  • 24/7 pechbijstand

    Ons team staat altijd voor je klaar

  • Beveiligde betaling

    Meer gemak met onze betaalmogelijkheden

Diogo presenteert zijn campervan


Olá, o meu nome é Diogo e, tal como tu, sou um amante da estrada e das viagens! A minha paixão são as Volkswagen Transporter e, se as conheces, tenho a certeza de que também não te são indiferentes. Aqui tens a oportunidade de viajar, dormir, cozinhar e sentir a verdadeira experiência numa delas. Neste caso uma VW LT 31 de 1988, uma das mais raras e procuradas deste segmento. Foram fabricadas poucas unidades, quando comparadas com as mais conhecidas Transporter, e apenas foram vendidas em alguns países europeus. Com o raríssimo teto alto da marca Reimo, está equipada de fábrica pela mesma marca com todas as comodidades que precisas para umas férias inesquecíveis! Não podes contar com travões do Séc.XXI nem com uma velocidade muito acima dos 90 kmh mas, de outro modo (…) não teria piada!!! Pelo menos podes contar com direção assistida e uma experiência de condução confortável, fácil e divertida. Alem disso, podes, claro, contar comigo para o que precisares antes e durante a tua viagem. Agora só te falta fazer uma pausa no trabalho, dar à chave e rumar à aventura!

Boas Férias!!!



Hi, my name is Diogo and I love roads and travels just like you do! My passion is the Volkswagen Transporter and, if you know them, I'm sure they're not indifferent to you either. Here you have the opportunity to travel, sleep, cook and feel the real experience of one of them. This is a VW LT 31 from 1988, one of the rarest and most wanted ones. A few units were manufactured, in comparison with the typical Transporter, and were only sold in a few European countries. With the very rare Reimo high top, it is factory equipped by the same brand with all the amenities you will need for an unforgettable road trip! You can't count on 21st century brakes or a speed much higher than 90 km/h, but otherwise (…) you wouldn't have the same fun !!! At least you can count on power steering and a comfortable, easy and fun driving experience. Besides, you can, of course, count on me for whatever you need before and during your trip. Now all you have to do is take a break from work, turn the key and head to the adventure!

Have nice trip!!!!



Slaapplaats 1


140x190 cm
Slaapplaats 2


140x195 cm


  • Binnendouche
  • WC
  • Koelkast
  • Bestek en borden
  • Huishoudelijke producten
  • Verbruiksgoederen
  • Stuurbekrachtiging
  • Autoradio
  • CD-speler

Technische kenmerken

  • ModelVolkswagen LT 31
  • Datum eerste inschrijving1988
  • M.T.M.3.200 kg
  • Hoogte3 m


Voorwaarden van de eigenaar

  • Reis naar buitenlandToegestaan
  • RijbewijsRijbewijs B
  • HuisdierenToegestaan
  • RokenNiet toegestaan
  • Overschrijding van de kilometerstand€ 0,25 per extra km

Bedrag waarborg

  • Betaalwijze van de waarborgRechtstreeks beheerd door de eigenaar, cash, overschrijving
  • Bedrag€ 450


De terugbetaling hangt af van de annuleringsdatum van de reservering.


Maia (4470-346), Portugal

Het exacte adres wordt gecommuniceerd wanneer de boeking wordt bevestigd.

28 reviews van een geverifieerde boeking

DiogoBest OwnerParticuliere eigenaar — Op Yescapa sinds 2021Diogo maakt deel uit van de Best Owners : dit zijn de best beoordeelde eigenaren van Yescapa, met wie we een bevoorrechte vertrouwensrelatie hebben.
  • Algemene beoordeling
  • Aantal reacties100%
  • Gesproken talenEngels, Spaans, Portugees
  • Gecertificeerd profiel

Gelijkaardige voertuigen rond Maia

Boeking - Campervan - Achterkant - #78210



2 reizigers

5,0Best Owner


€ 40

Boeking - Campervan - Voorkant 3/4 - #65210



2 reizigers

Geen reviews


€ 60

Boeking - Campervan - Voorkant 3/4 - #29760



4 reizigers

5,0Best Owner


€ 50